Donna Celebrates Five Years at Old Navy!

When Donna moved into the NCS Residence in March 2019, it was clear to Monique Phillips, her case manager, that she had a lot of drive. Monique reached out to Elizabeth McGuire, the Options Vocational Coordinator, and suggested they meet. They began working toward finding Donna a job.

“Donna is what you call persistence personified,” Monique shared. “She’s a go-getter.”

Donna started working at the Old Navy in Times Square in September 2019. And while everyone at NCS is excited whenever a client secures a job, the staff knows that for many Options clients, keeping a job is often a greater barrier than landing the job.

This is why everyone at the NCS Residence and Options is so excited that over the weekend, Donna celebrated her five-year anniversary at Old Navy! Not only has she successfully maintained this job but she has also received multiple promotions and rewards for her hard work and dedication!

Donna doesn’t see NCS as her long-term home but a stepping stone on her journey. She looks forward to being able to move closer to her daughters on Long Island, but in the meantime, she is thankful for the support NCS is giving her in so many aspects of her life.

“NCS gave me a chance and enabled me to live independently for the first time in a long time. I used to live in a shelter, and I know that my life wouldn’t be improving the way it is if I hadn’t moved into The NCS Residence. I wouldn’t be where I am now. They helped me to become employable and helped me to gain the confidence I need to move forward in my life. I am very blessed that life brought me here.”

Congratulations, Donna!