Hard Work + Housing + Support = Success
In 2018, Donna was homeless. A native New Yorker with five adult children and four grandchildren, she lived at the Lenox Hill Neighborhood House’s Women’s Mental Health Shelter. Donna’s case manager at the shelter encouraged her to attend an information session about Chance for Change (CFC), NCS’s outpatient substance-use treatment program. CFC is uniquely designed for individuals experiencing homelessness and battling addiction— people just like Donna.
Donna attended the information session and enrolled in CFC. She worked hard, taking her recovery seriously and making an impression on Stephanie Hervey, one of CFC’s Substance Abuse Counselors. Stephanie recognized that Donna was eager to improve her life.
In March 2019, Donna moved into the NCS Residence, and it was immediately clear to Monique Phillips, her case manager, that Donna had a lot of drive. They talked about Donna’s future goals, including the possibility of looking for a job, and Monique connected her to Elizabeth McGuire, NCS’s Options Vocational Coordinator. After learning about Donna’s employment history and outgoing personality, Elizabeth helped Donna research the retail sector. They looked at various companies and opportunities, and Elizabeth helped Donna update her resume, complete job applications, and practice interviewing. Later that year, Donna started working at Old Navy. Now, two years and two promotions later, her responsibilities include training new hires, and she is the top sales associate in her region— a recognition that earned her a $1,000 bonus last year!
“NCS gave me a chance and enabled me to live independently for the first time in a long time,” shared Donna. “I used to live in a shelter, and I know that my life wouldn’t be improving the way it is if I hadn’t received much needed support from Stephanie at Chance for Change and moved into the NCS Residence. I wouldn’t be where I am now. They helped me to become employable and helped me to gain the confidence I need to move forward in my life. My next goal is to move into my own apartment in Queens to be closer to my son and grandkids and make space at the NCS Residence for someone else who needs it. I am very blessed that life brought me here”
Donna’s success highlights elements that have helped many NCS clients succeed through the years. Strong community partnerships like the one with Lenox Hill Neighborhood House help us reach people who need the support that NCS provides. The integration of NCS's programs allowed our team to connect Donna to the services she needed when she was ready. And throughout the process, the NCS team worked closely with Donna to help her set goals and do the hard work that changed her life.
In honor of NCS’s 40th anniversary, we will be sharing stories about our founders, volunteers, supporters, and staff who make our work possible, and the residents and clients at the center of our mission.
Check back throughout the year as we regularly update the series with new stories from our 40 years here.