Louis Nine House welcomes Nelson Sosa to the Case Management Team!

Nelson Sosa, the newest Case Manager at Louis Nine House, joined the NCS Community this summer and hit the ground running. It is often a challenge for new case managers to build relationships with the residents at Louis Nine House, many of whom have experienced multiple foster care placements, emotional trauma, neglect and/or abuse. Nelson was tasked with building these relationships and earning his clients’ trust while wearing a mask (making it more difficult to read someone’s facial expressions) and maintaining social distancing.  

When Nelson joined the team, there was one Louis Nine House resident in particular who had cut off all engagement with the staff. A tenant since 2011, this client struggled with mental illness and substance use. Nelson connected with the resident immediately and has been working with him closely over the past few months.  

“To see Nelson start at Louis Nine House and instantly begin connecting with tenants has been amazing to witness,” shared Louis Nine House Senior Case Manager Mary Clark. 

We are all thrilled to have Nelson Sosa on the NCS team!
