The Futures Fund

The Futures Fund helps Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter’s young adult residents overcome obstacles blocking their path toward education, employment, and independent housing. 

Some residents have already received a scholarship for school but need money for textbooks or transportation. Others need help paying for the licensing exam required by their chosen profession. And others are ready to move out of NCS housing and into their own apartment but need help with the security deposit. 

This fund is the difference between "I wish I could" and "I can!" 

Your support of the Futures Fund will help create better futures for NCS clients. 

The Futures Fund provided T (left) the assistance she needed while obtaining her Associate’s, Bachelor’s, and Master’s Degrees. NCS helped with application fees, text books, and Metrocards so that T could fulfill her goal of becoming a Special Education teacher. T moved out of NCS housing in 2019 and is a teacher at PS176 in Baychester, Bronx working with children on the Autism Spectrum.

While pursuing his dream career of working in construction, E (center) received support from the Futures Fund to purchase tools and a uniform. He graduated trade school in 2019 and is now working for a construction company doing demolition. He uses the tools he received from NCS daily.

K (right) moved out of NCS housing in the summer of 2020 but still continued to work with our vocational and education program regularly. She became a licensed security guard with support from NCS; we provided K with Metrocards to get to and from the program and then to job interviews, as well as new clothing for interviews. K was also supported by an NCS volunteer who helped her prepare for the interview process. K is currently working as a security guard in Brooklyn.

Thank you for removing one more obstacle in NCS’ clients’ path to success!